Sasken Success Stories | Sasken Technologies Limited

Sasken solution for system test automation for an Automotive OEM

Written by Admin | Mar 8, 2017 5:00:00 AM


System test automation of 3000 test cases for Tier-1 Automotive infotainment OEM using customer proprietary tools and covering areas like USB, Multimedia, Navigation, Bluetooth, HMI, etc.


  • Platforms: QNX OS  on 3 Different Models
  • Test  tool was developed in .NET and IVI was based on QNX platform
  • Enhance the test tool, identify automatable test cases, automate them, and daily execution
  • Analyse the failures, prepare test report, and provide logs to development team
  • Tool enhancement and maintenance


  • Reduced scripting and upgrade effort with reusable code for common function
  • Simplified debugging of failures and issues with restructured test artefacts (logs and image database)
  • Ease of porting test setup across workstations and  from one system to another with test environment & system configuration separation from individual scripts