Reduced Test Effort by 75% with End-to-End Test Automation

Customer: Tier-1 NA Welding Machine Manufacturer

Scope: In order to provide an enhanced experience to its end customer Sasken’s customer was re-engineering its current product to develop an Industry 4.0 enabled next-gen welder. Sasken’s customer wanted to do an end-to-end test automation in order to solve all the bugs because  any problems during the operational stage at their end customer’s manufacturing plant would adversely affect the operations as well as the brand image of Sasken’s customer.


Sasken helped the customer achieve end-to-end test automation by developing a test automation suite which utilized an d integrated their existing tools seamlessly.

  • Automate test execution: Designed a Test Automation framework in CI environment
  • Integrated tools to automate test execution in CI environment and automated script development in LabVIEW, PowerShell, etc.
  • Integration and Verification testing: Built test strategy for Integration and Verification testing to maximize test coverage and to identify, script, and execute test cases covering the SW requirement specifications
  • Analysis tools: Used static and dynamic test code analysis tools
  • Test Reports: Generated reports of test results in RQM (Dashboard) and provisioned for sending test reports via email
  • Test scripts Switching: Enabled switching of test scripts without change in test set up having multiple hardware
  • Test scripts on Multiple Hardware: Enabled simultaneous and seamless flashing of test scripts on multiple hardware of varying complexities


  • Enabled direct saving of test effort by 70%
  • Increased test coverage up to 85% against a customer mandate of 80%
  • Reduced time to test by 30%
  • Reduced the bug during implementation to less than 0.1%.
Reduced Test Effort by 75% with End-to-End Test Automation

Customer:World’s leading FMCG brand

Customer: Tier-1 NA Welding Machine Manufacturer

Customer: Leading South Korean Device Manufacturer