Leveraged Predictive Analytics to save wholesale bundle purchase cost

Customer:Leading European MVNO

Scope: MNO wholesale costs typically covers up to 40-50% of the total cost structure of a MVNO directly impacting profit margins. Sasken is involved in development and management of the analytics platform to predict usage at a subscriber level to achieve wholesale bundle optimization.


Prediction of usage at subscriber level is done with the following attributes:

  • Varied Data Sources: Aggregation of high volume of CDR data, subscriber data & product data available in discrete sources
  • Statistical Model with very high accuracy & usage prediction at a subscriber level: Usage prediction monthly, prescribe wholesale bundle to be purchased from MNO and self-correct as the model matures
  • Automated execution of statistical models and report generation
  • Accurate Reports: The reports can be leveraged for refining models and billing the client


  • Solution deployed in multiple countries in Europe such as Germany, Spain and UK. Solution and is running over the last 2 years
  • The solution saved the client over € 700,000 per month which is around 4% of the client’s revenue

Accuracy of Sasken models was very close to the perfect foresight (PF), i.e. reactive estimates of cost after the usage cycle is complete

Leveraged Predictive Analytics to save wholesale bundle purchase cost

Sasken Solution

Customer:UK MVNO

Customer:Leading American Industrial OEM