Sasken Finland provides professional radio electronics design & testing services for OEMs and ODMs that are designing products requiring outstanding radio performance. Radio performance can be verified with automated test systems available for all radio systems. Automated test systems are developed in-house in addition to manual testing to ensure quality metrics. The radio laboratories are equipped with a wide range of state-of-the-art measurement devices. Sasken Finland's combination of radio expertise and high-end radio laboratory facilities makes it possible for us to offer professional services for design and testing purposes.
Sasken Finland offers radio expertise in the following areas:
Sasken Finland Oy serves domestic and global customers in design and development of hardware and software products and provides services for industries such as Telecommunication, Industrials and Defense, Medical, and Satcom. Sasken Finland has a strong track record of successfully delivering R&D product programs with a high-end expertise in wireless technologies.
Sasken Finland Oy
Vissavedentie 1, FI-69600 Kaustinen,
Tel: +358 10 408 1111
FI 07481628
Business ID: 0748162-8