
PCB Layout and Board Design

Sasken Finland provides professional printed circuit board and layout design for wired and wireless electronics. The board design team uses Zuken CR-5000 and CR-8000 and Mentor Graphics PADS tools and is familiar with flex and multi-layer designs. Sasken Finland has excellent board design competences for high frequency signals and signal integrity. All design work is done in cooperation with hardware and mechanics engineers to ensure high performance and quality of designed board.

Sasken Finland offers board design expertise in the following areas:

  • Meeting electrical and physical requirements
  • Schematics finalization
  • Component library creation
  • Board specification & layer stack-up
  • Component placement
  • Gerber generation & MFG documents
  • Design for manufacturing
  • Manufacturing support & turn-key delivery


  • Analog, digital & mixed signal design
  • High integrated & high density & high frequency solutions
  • Rigid & semi-rigid design
  • Antenna & Flex PCB design