Sasken Finland provides professional electronics design & testing services for companies that are designing products requiring excellent hardware performance. Our hardware developers draw schematics, printed circuit board and layout designs for electronics and wireless products.
Our hardware design laboratories are equipped with latest devices for R&D test and measurements. For EMC validation purposes we have EMC scanners, EMC shielded chambers for accurate RF measurements and ESD testing capabilities. Our antenna measurement laboratory includes anechoic chamber with Satimo SG64 measurement system. Thermal measurements are performed with newest IR camera technology. In our camera performance laboratory we can measure camera, display and ALS performance. Sasken Finland's combination of baseband expertise and hardware laboratory facilities offers professional services for design and testing purposes.
Sasken Finland offers hardware expertise in the following areas:
Sasken Finland Oy serves domestic and global customers in design and development of hardware and software products and provides services for industries such as Telecommunication, Industrials and Defense, Medical, and Satcom. Sasken Finland has a strong track record of successfully delivering R&D product programs with a high-end expertise in wireless technologies.
Sasken Finland Oy
Vissavedentie 1, FI-69600 Kaustinen,
Tel: +358 10 408 1111
FI 07481628
Business ID: 0748162-8