Sasken business success stories | Sasken Technologies Limited

Ensuring business continuity for global customers | Sasken

Written by Praful Khandelwal | Apr 17, 2020 4:00:00 AM

With multiple business critical projects underway, ensuring business continuity during the COVID-19 lockdown without any hassles was critical.

One project involved developing a field mobility application for an American locomotive company, while another involved providing a Data Lake solution for Europe’s largest MVNO; both requiring the delivery of bi-weekly milestones. The customers were, therefore, extremely keen on maintaining effective communication and a collaborative environment, as they considered us partners in their endeavors.

The constant updates from our Internal Communication team helped in responding to our customers’ requirements. Commendable efforts by our facility management and IT teams ensured the procurement of necessary laptops on a short notice including the effortless movement of select desktop systems.

All engineers in these projects worked effortlessly from home with no connectivity hassles. Our milestone deliveries were on time to the customers’ delight, proving our unwavering dedication even in this unusual situation. There were few product demonstrations lined up for which we relied on our customers’ support. These demonstrations were provided by us from local machines connected to their Cloud environment.